Survivors Helping Survivors Share Their Stories
Just Published
9/11/2001 is a date that should never be forgotten.
This book is a collection of ten individual stories that recall that horrific day. Four of the contributors were in the World Trade Center Towers when the planes hit. Two more who share their stories were right outside of the Towers, witnessing the carnage as it unfolded. Two of the contributors were in the Pentagon that day and the days, weeks, and months immediately following, reentering the building the very next day when it was still on fire. The last two who share their stories directly supported these survivors.
Each was from, or had strong ties, to the Midwest. It was their split-second decisions, luck, and providence that made the difference in their survival. They each recount the moments leading up to the attacks, what they saw, heard, and experienced, what they did after, and the healing they undertook. For each of them, 9/11 was a catalyst that helped make them better people.
All proceeds from the sale of this book go to American Pride, Inc.

Support our mission to help 9/11 Survivors Tell Their Story and to Help First Responders
About American Pride, Inc.
501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been developed to bring a positive impact to the lives of all First Responders and their families.

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