Ryan Yantis' Interview with "Undicisettembre" (Eleventh September), an Italian blog about the 9/11 Attacks.

Continuing our commitment to preserve the memory of the events of 9/11, we present the account of Ryan Yantis, who was at the Pentagon when American Airlines 77 hit the building and then took part in the rescue operations.

We wish to thank Ryan Yantis for his kindness and willingness to share his experience.

Undicisettembre: What do you recall of 9/11? Can you give us an account of what you saw and experienced on that day?

Ryan Yantis: I was a United Stated Army major and I was assigned as media spokesman, leading a team of spokesmen for the Army. We handled personnel and human resources questions and we would answer questions about “don’t ask, don’t tell” or Army weight policy, or women in the Army, investigations, courts martial and so on. My office was at the second floor, E Ring - the outer ring of the Pentagon - off of corridor 6, room 36. That means that the address was 2E636, which tells you where to go in the Pentagon if you wanted to go to my office. E ring is also where the generals and important people had their offices.



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